Barney & Hester pre-wedding shoot | Norland Moor, Sowerby Bridge

Rob was absolutely fab! We had a brilliant time and laughed the whole way through. Rob put us both at ease and the whole experience was brilliant.
— Hester and Barney
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I met up with Barney and Hester for their pre-wedding shoot at Norland Moor, near Sowerby Bridge, close to where they will be getting married at The Fleece Inn on New Years Eve.

It was a cold late-autumn day and the light was perfect, allowing us to make the most of the ‘golden hour’ (photography speak for the last hour of sunlight in the day) and catch a gorgeous sunset, before heading back down and warming up inside the beautiful country pub that they have chosen for their reception.

Barney and Hester were great to work with and needed little guidance from me as they laughed their way through the shoot, clearly very much at ease in each other’s company. I can’t wait to join them and see out 2018 when they get married next month.