Vicky & Michael pre-wedding shoot | Priory Cottages, Wetherby

I met up with Vicky and Michael on a beautiful evening in early May when it felt like summer was upon us. Their chosen location was The Priory Cottages near Wetherby, a venue that despite just being around the corner from where I live, I have not ph…

I met up with Vicky and Michael on a beautiful evening in early May when it felt like summer was upon us. Their chosen location was The Priory Cottages near Wetherby, a venue that despite just being around the corner from where I live, I have not photographed at before. In fact the only time I have been before was when I was looking at wedding venues for my own wedding, and probably would have chosen had we not decided to get married down south.

Vicky and Michel are getting married here in June and so it was the perfect choice for their pre-wedding shoot, giving us an opportunity to scout out a few locations for couple shots on their wedding day...and there are plenty of those, with a pretty courtyard, large barns and - at this time of year - an oil seed rape field to explore.  

I will leave you with a small selection from the shoot and here's hoping we get the same stunning weather for their wedding day as we did here.